Meet the Team

Ben Hall

Melissa Thong
Relations Manager

Ben Hall

Ben is a man with an eye for detail. A hands on kind of guy, Ben loves finding a solution to any problem whether it be a handy man fix or creating a database. Ben loves order, systems and protocols. With a background in quality control and assessment, Ben takes pride in everything he set his hands and mind to. He is fair, impartial and level headed making him great at giving considered advice and coming up with fair solutions.


Melissa Thong
Chief Relations Manager

Melissa a very much about getting to know people, she loves having a good conversation and is always there to hear and work through concerns. Having a background in client facing consulting roles and a qualification in Business -Property Investing, Melissa’s personable approach makes her a good judge of character and one to always find agreeable compromises to issues.


Melissa and Ben are investors, developers, landlords and business owners having been in business together since the mid 2000’s.

We have a love for bringing people together in an environment that is fun, inclusive and relaxed. We are self-confessed linchpins,  and take pride in doing things outside the norm. Not only do we want to aim to create mutually beneficial outcomes for all parties,  we look to create harmonious community and take pride in creating beautiful homes for individuals and couples.

Teatree Rooming formed with the desire to provide affordable communal homes for quality individuals looking for a professionally managed private housing solution.